Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Life adventure quotes

And while it takes courage to achieve greatness, it takes more courage to find fulfillment in being ordinary. For the joys that last have little relationship to achievement, to standing one step higher on the victory platform. What is the adventure in being ordinary? It is daring to love just for the pleasure of giving it away. It is venturing to give new life and to nurture it to maturity. It is working hard for the pure joy of being tired at the end of the day. It is caring and sharing and giving and loving…
- Marilyn Thomsen

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
- Helen Keller

East West Horoscope

Recently I got a email to the below East West horoscope by Tiger.

Kinda of interesting and funny... for me as a Leo Dragon, it says that selling handmade items is a good possibility for me to net a fortune?!?... Flower shop, or gardening service are among the ways you may make a living…hehe :)

I feel that I resonate more to the thought of "caring for young people fills a deep need within you.". Well, anything is possible. ;)

Have a fun and good time trying it out…

Friday, January 20, 2006

Let Go, Let God

Today on the way to the library I was complaining to myself about things that went in the direction that was not very good for me for the past one week. It all started with me blurting out to my friend that I’m interested in her…had told myself not to do it… but I guess my feelings got the better of me…. Then at work system time given was super late… really hate the production supervisors for it….. And today I’ll be assign more codes to work on…

God why all these happen at this time and this type of outcome… kind of crappy…
While browsing through the finance and economic shelf, I came a cross this book call The Wealthy Spirit by Chellie Campbell… fillip through I came across this topic “Let Go Let God”. In it mention that we have to relax and let God take over. And below is an interesting poem in there.

As children bring their broken toys.
With tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God,
Because He was my friend.
But then instead of leaving Him
In peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help,
With ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried,
“How can you be so slow”
“My child,” He said “What could I do?”
You never did let go!

Every thing has its own time… I just have to do all that I can do and leave the rest up to God. God knows what time it is. You are on His timetable. Trust in Him. He knows best what is for you.

“Good morning, This is God, I’ll be handling all your problems today. I’ll not need your help. So, have a good day” – Anonymous

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Finding peace in God at 3am

I have been trying to sleep for the past 2 hours but felt overwhelm by some of the things that I have been thinking or plan to do for this year… like the recent restructuring of my department, investing to learn and pick on stocks & options trading, revealing to my friend that I’m interested in her…

I download some online short funny video (from to watch and hoping it will chase away these thoughts. But it was not effective. So went and flip & reading the bible for some encouragement and peace. Philippians 4 caught my eyes. Below is the Philippians 4:6-9

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Facing uneasiness and risk, I’m reminded again to be calm and trust in Him… whether things will go well at work, whether investing will be good, whether that is the girl that I’m to pursue…

Living by faith is not an easy thing to do. Interestingly, if God made things crystal clear to me (i.e. this is the girl I’m going marry, you lose a lot in stock if you go into it…)… then after knowing them, will my trust in Him be as real as before I know it?

I guess I have to accept this arrangement with Him, and live life moment by moment and trust what he has installed for me as He is love… for now I have to continue my journey in faith and sleep.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Franciscan Tau

Recently I was sort of interested in finding out more about St Francis of Assisi life, and went checking through the local Franciscan web site ( for some information.

On one of the websites where it mention about symbols in the Franciscan, I came a across familiar object which I would usually call a cross. “Isn’t that the cross I’m wearing?” I said to myself. And over here for the Franciscans they call it a Tau?

Back tracking a bit, about a year back my mom had given me silver metal crucifix to wear (for guidance and protection). But always felt uncomfortable wearing it. At the same time a friend of mine Eugene which I had initially agreed to join him for vocation retreat at St Mary of Angels had pass to me a Franciscan calendar and this wooden “T” shape like cross (well almost like a cross). Felt more comfortable with it and also like the wooden nature color of it. So from then on I wore this wooden one and kept the silver one at my bed side.

Some friends who see me wearing it will ask “Why are you wearing a letter “T”?” and I can only tell them actually it is a cross (well I’m partly right).

Reading more into the Tau symbol I found that:

· The last letter of the Hebrew alphabet represented the fulfillment of the entire revealed Word of God. This letter was called the Tau (or Taw, pronounced "tav" in Hebrew)

· Prophet Ezekiel, who spoke of the faithful being marked with the sign of the Tau as an indication that they belonged to God (Ezekiel 9:4-6).

· Signifies God the Father and is related to the name of the Lord.

· In early Christian work, the Tau denotes the word of God.

· It is connected with the crucifixion and is a symbol of Jesus’ willingness to die for us.

· Concretely, the Tau is rejection of selfishness and pride. It is joy in serving one’s family and compassion for the poor. In other words, it is Jesus alive in us. (Gal 6:14)

· Today, followers of St Francis, as laity or religious, would wear the tau cross as an exterior sign, a "seal" of their own commitment, and a remembrance of the victory of Christ over evil through daily self-sacrificing love. The sign of contradiction has become the sign of hope, a witness of fidelity until the end of our lives.

After reading these about the Tau it make me feel more depth, more rooted and more meaningful wearing it and wanting to serve Him more.

This wooden “T” shape cross... is a Tau. ;-)
Links: ,

Most High, glorious God,
enlighten the shadows of my heart,
and grant unto me a right faith,
a certain hope and perfect charity,
sense and understanding,Lord,
so that I may accomplish
Thy holy and true command
- St Francis of Assisi

Monday, January 09, 2006

What is Love? Love is like waiting for bus

Recently I came across the "love is like waiting for bus" story which was posted on a friend’s web bulletin. I guess it was just another light hearting short story. What captures me was the second part where it says:

If you love someone set him/her free.
If he/she comes back to you, you know they're yours.
If they don't then it was never meant to be.

Remember to always say what you mean.
If you love someone, tell.
Don't be afraid to express yourself.
Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you.
Because when you decide that it is the right time, it might be too late. Seize the day.

This is the third time (maybe the fifth time) I’m hearing it. Why is it so?… you might have guessed it… I have been trying to tell a friend that I like her and time and time again I fail telling her that or end up talking about something else (I can’t believe it has been close to a year).

One of my friends said “Can’t you just tell her and get over it?!”… Well easy said then done. It is not like everyday you tell a girl that you like her? (Well maybe husbands and wives do that).

I guess for me wanting to avoid/run away form it is because of fear of rejection and the uncertainty of this “falling” for her feeling, as I believe that feelings may blur the logic and possible of making mistakes. And I would off and on pray and ask God is she the one?... normally there is no reply (I wish he would give a sign at times :-)).

I guess that what one of my friend mention is quite true… “tell her your feeling and never regret whatever the result … Nothing wrong with your feeling. You won't know if you never try…. You know, we learn about risk in relationship. If we want to belong then take the risk.”

I guess I have to look at the big picture and get the proper focus. I guess that in life there will risk for me to face and that I must have faith in God to take that step whatever the outcome is. Be it good or bad I have to give thanks to Him. He has His reason and purpose for everything (which I might not see it now). He has seen me through 29 years on earth what more on this matter? Avoid running and tell… I will.

“Abide in me, and I in you” (Jn 15:4)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Meeting a friend from down under

It was great meeting up with Paolo, an old friend from Randwick Church back in Sydney. I guess it has been nearly two years since the last time I met up with him. We met up at Bedok MRT station and had breakfast brunch at the near by hawker center as he had to go for friends wedding ceremony at OLPS Church.

Was quite surprise to find out that he took a year leave from work to discern on where he is heading in this life and career. It is interesting that his company allows him to do that. Over here in Singapore I doubt many companies will allow us to do that. I wish I too can to that… take a year off and look through and explore where in life I want to go.

It was also interesting to see that he is also into volunteer work (flying to Philippine after Singapore for that). He was also was like me thinking "what can I do over there?" (I did not know how to build house when I went to Banda Aceh as a volunteer to help build house). The most important thing is that you must have the heart to help, to understand & to care. I guess it sums up to have compassion. I believe god will find a way to use his gifts and talents over there in Manila.

Paolo, have faith, safe journey and all the best in your volunteer work in Philippine! God Bless!

Monday, January 02, 2006

A Knight's Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.

Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.

O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.

Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!

If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.

Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life! Amen.

The above words were part of an oral history of the Crusades compiled in 1200 A.D. and were spoken by a Knight Hospitaller moments before a battle against enemy forces.

No matter the consequences, love everyday of your life & everyday will surely be a wonderful & blessed 2006... Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A picture... A walk on earth

A walk on Earth - This looks like an interesting picture to put up... will see what other nice ones are there.

The end of 2005... Give thanks...

Happy New Year! Just came back from supper with some of mission trip friends. We attended a thanks giving mass at Sts Peter and Paul church where our mission teammate Fr Anselm Phang celebrated the mass tonight.

Not sure why I was not that into any party or count down mood today. Not sure whether is it after what I saw in Banda Aceh that made me think & feel that it’s not that important whether we party or not. Or is it the news that I got this morning that uncle Eng Huat, my dad good friend who I was talk to last week at Christmas lunch, past away quietly in the hospital and also the birth of my cousin David and wife Wai Fun baby girl, created a mix emotions … which is quite hard to describe.

In today’s sermon Fr Anselm mention that some of us might have had a bad year, quite good year and some a good year. And in all cases we have to give thanks. As God has His purpose in it and that we are blessed. He brought up about the mission trip to Banda Aceh about the tsunami victims where many were still staying in tents or in wooden small hut house. And they do not have water. Everyday a big water truck will come by to supply them water. So we here are already blessed.

It was also interesting that he pointed out to us about the Christ birth at the manger and the shepherds. What do shepherds do? They just take care of the sheep. How interesting could it get just taking care of them in the grassland? After sometime things will get routine and bored. And just like some of us in today world where life will become routine and mundane. But then Christ came down to us. And in the end He had to die! Why?... Because He sees that our life is worth it! Think about it…

Also share with that in time our life things goes bad, e.g., your love one past away, encounter relationship problems, you lose your job for 3 years and money is running out… Reflect about Mary (mother Mary) on how she had to go through the struggles and suffering in serving God and giving birth to Jesus.

And he share with the youth is that one important thing in our life is that is you must be aware about God in your life and that is it.

I guess that God has His purpose in wanting us to experience certain ups and downs, good and bad. And certain blessing we will not see it as it has not come into “flower”. I believe God has His own time and own target for it to happen. I pray and hope I will have to faith and hope to see me through my trials and down time, just like Pak Sofian and the other tsunami victims who continue with their lives even after so much damage and suffering and taking each day as they come. And also remembering to give thanks in good times and bad times.

Written on the offering envelope is something to think about…

Thank You, Lord. Let this offering be a representation of the fruit of my labour. May it be a worthy and pleasing thanksgiving, for everything I have, had been given by you.

Thank you and goodbye 2005.