Meeting a friend from down under
Was quite surprise to find out that he took a year leave from work to discern on where he is heading in this life and career. It is interesting that his company allows him to do that. Over here in Singapore I doubt many companies will allow us to do that. I wish I too can to that… take a year off and look through and explore where in life I want to go.
It was also interesting to see that he is also into volunteer work (flying to Philippine after Singapore for that). He was also was like me thinking "what can I do over there?" (I did not know how to build house when I went to Banda Aceh as a volunteer to help build house). The most important thing is that you must have the heart to help, to understand & to care. I guess it sums up to have compassion. I believe god will find a way to use his gifts and talents over there in Manila.
Paolo, have faith, safe journey and all the best in your volunteer work in Philippine! God Bless!
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