Thursday, July 06, 2006

What is happening to me God?

I really do not know what is happening to me. Lately I have been on MC for a week and stuck at home most of the time. So if I’m not surfing the net I’ll be watching a movie… other then that I’ll try to read a book. But there is a certain restless in me asking me to resign from my current job and also off & on will end up thinking of the girl that I’m interested. I guess it is driving me crazy. God please help… I need a way out.

This morning I went for the check up on my little toe and the doctor say I need about 6 weeks for the fracture to recover and mention to give me a month MC. I really do not know what happen at that point and the thought “I need to get back to work” just flash through my mind. So I asked the doctor to give me MC till end of this week and I’ll give a shot at going back to work to do some light work. Later I sat outside the clinic alone and thought through what had happen. It just hit me… I’m scared God. I guess I wanted to keep myself busy so that I’ll not think about the calling of resigning and also thinking or feel about the feelings that I have toward the girl that I’m interested in.

God I really do not know how to handle it. God I really do not know why this call of resigning?… is it that you want me to start again somewhere else or in something else? Why this afternoon instead of going to Sim Lim Square I ended up at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA)?

God what do you want me to learn from these feelings that I have for the girl that I’m interested in… (I’m aware of it and I always tell my self to let go)? Years back in Australia I fell for an Indonesian girl… and now I fall for another Indonesian girl… what or why is this God? There are so many pretty Singapore girls that I know… why her God… why her God? God I really do not know your plan…but help me to continue to trust in You. Maybe I will talk to an older guy or a person more experience on this matter…

I’m not sure I have lost my vision… No matter what happen let me have the joy in serving you. Thanks again for revealing to me on the below verse:

“Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached the goal; but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14

Thanks God and St. Paul of reminding me to press on.
Thank you for telling me that Jesus has made me his own
Help me to invest myself in the race that matters most...(life priorities)
Help me to pray to you… Help me to worship you… and help me to be in communion with you God.

Good night God.

Deo Gratias


Blogger Delys said...

Hey Albert, the little toe is still not okay? How are you wearing your shoes then? or wearing sandals to work?
Its really hard to get thoughts of the person you're interested out of your head...I've been there. But perhaps the time is just not His time remember?

July 10, 2006 10:06 PM  
Blogger Bravo said...

Hi Delys,

My little toe still hurt. I'm wearing Japanese slippers. How's your arm coming?

Thanks for the advice & support. I guess I was doing quite fine until recently I revisited those feelings to write out a talk and it just sort of grew & hit me again. I'm doing my best in mentally think of her as a friend only. And time & time again I tell myself to relax & let go these feelings.

If you have other methods to overcome these feelings, welcome to share.

Oh yes, having the trust in God is also important.


July 12, 2006 3:32 AM  
Blogger little M said...

hi,bro! havent read ur blogs for some time n was quite surprised that u were on MC for so long!
how r u getting on? hope it's much better now.
hope u r feelin better too =) u r always in my prayer

July 18, 2006 2:11 PM  

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