Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Life... programming... goal and vision...

Was hanging out with my friend Cyril again and was talking with him on my work and him running a company. In one of the conversation I mention I was not getting anywhere at the moment (in terms of career)… it was interesting that he put forward the advice in a way of doing a programming project. When we start of a programming project we must have our objectives in mind and plan backwards from there. And it will help us to answer the why, how, where and when questions that comes. So in similar terms we have to have an end in mind, meaning a goal in mind (like maybe 20 years down the road I want to be eco tour guide). So you will plan out on how to get there… what you need to do first and what to do next…until it reaches back to your current state.

But what if I do not know or not clear about my goal? Well he could only say that it will be good to have a rough goal so it will get one started (rather then stay stuck)… and as one journey on it might change and you will have to adjust from time to time.

I guess that we must have a goal and vision as we move on in this life and I pray that God will guide and help me in that.


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